KFF monthly fly tying session
Monday, March 18, 2019
Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria
This month Glen Cormier will lead us in tying the Rosborough Hares Ear (RHE). The original Hares Ear is attributed to 19th century English tier James Odgen. This very buggy variation of the classic nymph is credited to Polly Rosborough, author of the book "The Fuzzy Nymphs". Rosborough was a proponent of flies that are suggestive in nature and which have a softer profile that gives the fly animation even in still waters.
Tying the RHE will make use of a technique called a dubbing loop. While a dubbing loop tool will suffice, an electronic single hook test clip (as shown in photo above) makes for a very good, simple, and inexpensive dubbing loop tool. So if you have a test clip, bring it.
Bring thread, colors either brown, red, olive, black. Also some reading glasses, as this is a smaller hook size than we often tie on.
Club will provide: size 14 barbless hooks, size 1/8" copper brass beads, hares mask in different colors, copper wire.
Bring your tools - if none, the club has sets for use during the session.