Tuesday, February 11, 2025

February 24th fly tying - CDC Quill Nymph

KFF monthly fly tying session
Monday, February 24, 2025

Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria
Also livestreamed on Zoom and YouTube

* Due to the library closure on the 10th, we've moved fly tying to our regular meeting date. Also, we've swapped the February and March patterns.  Yep, it's complicated! *

We have never tied a quill-body fly, nor have we used CDC feathers, so this is a great pattern to learn these materials. This pattern is a size 14 euro-style jig nymph that should prove very effective on trout. Our version will be similar to that in the picture.

As always, the session is open to the public. All materials are provided, and we have sets of tools for beginners to use during the session. For beginners, we can also pair you with someone who can help.

Remote members can participate using the Zoom meeting number and password sent by email. All others can watch on the KFF YouTube Channel, use this link and go to Live videos -

Monday, February 10, 2025

February 10th fly tying cancelled

Sorry for the late notice, but due to roof repairs at the Rapides Westside Library, we're unable to hold our fly tying session scheduled for tonight.  However, we have rescheduled the session in lieu of our regular meeting program on February 24th.  Join us on the 24th as Jim Johnson will lead us in tying the Rio Bandito.

Monday, January 20, 2025

January 27th meeting - Creek Fishing SW Louisiana

KFF general meeting
Monday, January 27, 2025

6:30 pm - program
Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria

For our first meeting of 2025, we welcome Darin Lee as our guest speaker.  Darin is a biologist and south Louisiana native and current president of Acadiana Fly Rodders. He began his fly fishing journey 23 years ago sightcasting to redfish, and quickly expanded to warmwater and coldwater opportunities.

Darin will present on "Creek Fishing Southwest Louisiana".  A great presentation you don't want to miss!

As always, the public is welcome. For those members joining us remotely, check your email for the Zoom meeting number and password. For livestreaming on the KFF YouTube Channel, use this link and go to Live videos -

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

NOFF Expo coming up January 25th

2025 New Orleans Fly Fishing Expo
Saturday, January 25th

8:00 am to 4:00 pm
St. Christopher the Martyr School Gymnasium
3900 Derbigny St, Metairie, LA
Free admission!

Hosted by the New Orleans Fly Fishers Club, this biennial event (every odd year) is a celebration of fly fishing, featuring all aspects of our sport. Whether you’re wanting to get into fly fishing, or a seasoned veteran, there’s a program or activity certainly to be of interest.

The expo includes:

  •     Fly Casting demonstration and instruction by certified instructors
  •     Fly Fishing & Destination seminars by experts
  •     Fly Tying Instruction
  •     Tying demonstrations by many of the region's top tiers
  •     Iron Fly Tyer Competition
  •     Auctions & Raffles including top end rods, reels & flies
  •     Kid’s Casting & Fishing Programs

NOFFC is the second oldest club in Louisiana, having formed in 1984 by Ted Cabali and Tom Jindra. For nearly four decades, the club has been a major contributor to the growth of saltwater fly fishing and fly tying in Louisiana, with several members recognized in the regional and national fly tying community.  

Expo schedule coming soon.  Please keep checking the NOFF website at  www.neworleansflyfishers.com.

Monday, January 6, 2025

January 13th fly tying - Jig Rainbow Warrior

KFF monthly fly tying session
Monday, January 13, 2025

Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria
Also livestreamed on Zoom and YouTube

For our first session of 2025, we have a fun, easy-to-tie fly - the Jigged Rainbow Warrior. This pattern is a jig version of Lance Egan's  popular and effective Rainbow Warrior.  This pattern utilizes two thread colors - black for the rear portion of the body and red for the hot spot.   Both threads are 70 denier, and if you don’t have red thread, any bright color such as orange or pink will work.
The session is open to the public. All materials are provided, and we have several sets of tools for beginners to use during the session. For beginners, we can also pair you with someone who can help.

Remote members can participate using the Zoom meeting number and password sent by email. All others can watch on the KFF YouTube Channel, use this link and go to Live videos -

Thursday, January 2, 2025

2025 Mixed Bag Contest is Live!

Our Mixed Bag Contest is back for an eighth year! The MBC kicked off yesterday, January 1st at 12:01 am. If you caught any fish on New Year's Day, don't worry, you still have 30 days to enter it in.  

The Mixed Bag is a members-only, months-long tournament where the goal is to catch as many different species on fly rod. It's CPRE which means catch-photo-release encouraged. And best of all, there is no entry fee!

Are you ready?  Here's what you need to compete:

  • Be a 2025 member of KFF
  • Go to the Mixed Bag Contest page and review the rules
  • Have your camera or smartphone available when fishing
  • Take photos of your catch and include either the fly rod or fly, or both
  • Log them in using the links on the Mixed Bag page.
  • Bring your enthusiasm!  Remember, while the top 5 finishers get placement prizes, all other participants are eligible for several consolation prizes. Each entry gets you one ticket into the consolation drawing.  

Check out our website and Facebook page during the year for frequent updates.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Here's wishing our members and friends, and all of their families, a most blessed holiday season. Hope everyone finds something under the Christmas tree they can use for their piscatorial pursuits in the coming year.

While Christmas is a season of festivity, let's not forget the reason for the season: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us….” John 1:14. Please be giving to those in need, and pray for those who are less fortunate, for those in suffering, and for those away from their families this season.

We also wish everyone a prosperous and healthy New Year.  Being an odd year, we won't have our biennial Cenla Fly Fest in 2025.  However, as the previous post mentioned, several neighboring clubs have events scheduled.

In the meantime, love and peace to everyone from Kisatchie Fly Fishers!

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Mark your 2025 calendars for these events!

It's that time of year when we break out the new calendars and start marking them up.  Here's a few dates that will be of interest.  Events with an '*' indicate club activities.

* Jan. 1 (Wed) - 8th annual KFF Mixed Bag Contest kicks off! In addition to the five top spots, we have great consolation prizes - so every entry counts! Check out the Mixed Bag page for details starting Dec. 28th.

Jan. 25 (Sat) – 3rd biennial NEW ORLEANS FLY FISHING EXPO, St. Christopher School Gymnasium, 3900 Derbigny Street, Metairie, LA.   Time: 8:00am to 4:00pm. Free Admission. Casting Seminars and instruction, fly tying demos, fishing & destination seminars, Iron Fly Tyer contest, outdoor equipment & displays, artists & vendors, raffles, auction, Kids programs.  Hosted by the New Orleans Fly Fishers Club. www.neworleansflyfishers.com.

Jan. 31- Feb 2 (Fri-Sun) – 2nd annual HOME WATERS 2025 - a celebration of the Little Missouri River, Municipal Building, Murfreesboro, AR. Fri: noon-7pm, Sat: 9am - 5pm. No cost. Hosted by ArkLaTexOma Fly Tiers. Fly tying demos, fishing seminars, biologist reports, vendors, raffles and door prizes, food available. For details, see Calendar page or go to ArkLaTexOma Facebook page.

* Feb. 22 (Sat) - CENLA FLY FISHING 101, Booker-Fowler Hatchery, 8:30am - 12:30pm, LDWF Booker-Fowler Hatchery, Woodworth, LA. Hands-on sessions covering basics of fly fishing. FREE and open to the public, pre-registration is required. Go to FF101 page for details.

Mar. 8 (Sat) – 27th Annual RED STICK DAY, Waddill Outdoor Education Center, 4142 N Flannery Rd, Baton Rouge, LA. 8:30am – 3:30pm. Free admission. Seminars, tying demos, kayak demos, casting clinics, food, refreshments. Hosted by Red Stick Fly Fishers. Website: www.rsff.org.

* Mar. 20-23 (Thu - Sun) - KFF annual MARCH BROWN TRIP. Members-only trip to the Little Missouri River in southwest Arkansas for rainbow trout. Peak season for March Brown mayfly and some early caddis!

Mar. 27-29 (Thu-Sat) – 28th annual SOWBUG ROUNDUP, Baxter County Fairgrounds, Mountain Home, AR. 9am – 4pm, each day. Largest fly tying event in the country, over 120 tiers. Seminars, fly tying clinics, vendors. Special guests Pat Dorsey, Tim Flagler. Hosted by North Arkansas Fly Fishers. Website: www.sowbugroundup.org.

* Apr. 28 (Mon) - KFF SPRING PICNIC, held in lieu of monthly general meeting, see upcoming email for details.

May 2-3 (Fri-Sat) – 3rd annual FFI GULF COAST CLASSIC, Learning Campus, Gulf State Park, Gulf Shores, AL.  Seminars, fly tying demos, casting clinics, raffles, Mixed Bag Challenge fishing contest. Fly Fishing film event on Saturday 4pm. Hosted by the Gulf Coast Council of Fly Fishers International. Website: www.ffigulfcoastclassic.com or www.ffigcc.org.

July 18-19 (Fri-Sat) - CADDO FLY FISHING EXPO, Jefferson County Civic Center, Jefferson, TX.  Seminars, fly tying demos, casting demos and instruction, raffles, silent auction, and more. Hosted by North Louisiana Fly Fishers. Website: www.northlaflyfishers.org.