National Hunting and Fishing Day
Saturday, September 23, 2023
LDWF Woodworth Education Center
660 Robinson Rd, Woodworth, LA
8:30am to 2:00pm
Free admission!
Established by Congress in 1972, National Hunting and Fishing Day is celebrated the 4th Saturday of September. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries celebrates NHF Day at four venues across the state, including here in Baton Rouge at Waddill.
Admission is free. Activities including archery, fishing, target shooting, outdoor games, live animal exhibits, educational displays, and more. There's even food and soft drinks provided at no cost. Here is a printable poster with more details for the Cenla NHF Day poster - CLICK HERE.
Kisatchie Fly Fishers will again be on hand to demonstrate fly tying and fly casting, along with hands-on teaching of tying and casting. We also talk about fly fishing and opportunities for doing so here in Louisiana and elsewhere. As always, we need volunteers for fly tying, fly casting. Or to just talk fly fishing. Volunteers get a free t-shirt (size of their choice) and a lunch ticket. To register, click on THIS LINK.