Kisatchie Fly Fishers monthly meeting
Monday, January 27, 2020
5:00pm - casting on back lawn
6:30pm - meeting (speaker first)
Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria
** Please note that we're now doing casting prior to each meeting starting at 5pm **
Our guest speaker this month will be Clint Crowe of the Acadiana Fly Rodders in Lafayette. Clint is a 20-year hospice volunteer and is retired from his work in the water well industry. Clint fly fishes mostly in the marsh and on Colorado rivers and streams in southern Colorado.
Ten years ago, Clint and fellow AFR member, Dr. Skip Palmintier, helped establish the Louisiana Chapter of Reel Recovery. They currently serve as co-coordinators. Reel Recovery is a national outreach fly fishing retreat for men coping with cancer. The Louisiana retreat is free for participants and can host 11 men in the White Lake Lodge near Gueydan.
The dates for this year are April 14-16, beginning at 2:00pm on Friday. There are still a few slots open and they encourage all men that have dealt with cancer at any time in their life to apply.
For a full size poster, click on the image, then "view image" or "save image" with left click.
Also on the agenda: recap of the Cenla Festival, upcoming events and trips, Facebook changes, casting updates, Mixed Bag Contest updates, and fishing reports.
As always, guests are welcome. Invite a friend!