Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Mixed Bag Standings - August 28th

Our 7th annual Mixed Bag Contest is setting new records! For those new to this contest, the MBC is our members-only, online tournament where size doesn't matter, but diversity does. Yes, it's DEI... Diverse species, Equal chance to win something, and Inclusive for all members! Click on the "Mixed Bag" menu above for complete details.

With only about 3 months left in the contest, we have a grand total of 191 entries from 25 participants. The species range from Dollar Sunfish to Spanish Mackerel to Common Carp to Steelcolor Shiner to Alligator Gar.  Along with lots of all species of trout, bass, sunfish, and catfish. Our members are once again proving you can catch ANY species of fish on fly!

Here are the current leaders:

  •  Chris Williams - 29
  •  Eron Borne - 24
  •  Bill Morrison - 18
  •  Jim Johnson - 15
  •  Noah Hoyt, Ed Jones - 12
  •  Jeff Albrecht - 11
  • and lots of folks with between 4 to 9 species.

There's still plenty of opportunity to submit entries. The cooler months ahead should provide more action as well. Remember that - even if you don't finish in the top standings - there are several consolation drawings with a few really nice prizes too. Each entry gets one ticket in the drawing. For example, enter 4 species in the Mixed Bag and you get 4 tickets in the drawing. More entries = greater chances to win!