KFF general meeting
Monday, May 20, 2024
5:30 pm - casting practice (weather permitting)
6:30 pm - program
Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria
This month we have two short presentations. First, Alan Trammell of Bayou Shirts will talk about the screen printing and other services that he offers for club members to have logos on t-shirts, caps, polo shirts, and other items. He will bring samples for us to see. Check out the sidebar to see the caps with KFF logo and for Alan's website.
The second short presentation will be a recap of the recent Gulf Coast Classic in Gulf Shores. Bill Morrison, Mike Carlin and Catch Cormier all attended and will share their feedback on what turned out to be a great event for the Gulf Coast Council of Fly Fishers International (KFF is a member club).
As always, the public is welcome! For Zoom connection, email Mike or Bill for meeting number and password. For the KFF YouTube Channel, use this link and go to Live videos - http://bit.ly/3oBk106