Saturday, February 17, 2024

Feb. 26th general meeting - A Western Adventure

KFF general meeting
Monday, February 26, 2024

Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria

This month, our own Carlton Townsend will lead a power point presentation on a western fly-fishing trip that he, Rick Maddox, Tom Zabaski, and Robert Hughes made in September of last year.  They fished 6 quality rivers across 5 states over a period of 3 weeks.  They also traveled through some of the most scenic country and mountain ranges in the US. Mark this on your calendar - it's a program everyone will enjoy!  

Also on the agenda: fishing reports, updates on the Little Mo club trip in April, Fly Fishing 101, and a proposed club trip for smallmouth bass.

As always, the public is welcome. For Zoom connection, email Mike or Bill for meeting number and password. For the KFF YouTube Channel, use this link and go to Live videos -