Wednesday, November 22, 2023

November 27th meeting - Mussel Mania

KFF general meeting
Monday, November 27, 2023

Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria

Our final club meeting of the year will feature guest speaker Lindsey Adams, biologist with the National Fish Hatchery in Natchitoches.  Lindsey has worked with U.S. Fish and Wildlife since 2015, with a specialty in freshwater mussels. 

Lindsey will give a brief overview of the current operations at the Hatchery, then discuss the Louisiana Pearlshell Mussels. Mussels and clams are of great importance to our fisheries, and Lindsey will explain reasons why and projects NFH-N are undertaking for the recovery of a native species to Rapides and Grant parishes.

Also on the agenda:  Keith Breazeale will give details on the December 4th Christmas Party, and Catch Cormier will update us on the Cenla Fly Fishing Festival on Jan. 20th.

As always, the public is welcome. For Zoom connection, email Mike or Bill for meeting number and password. For the KFF YouTube Channel, use this link and go to Live videos -