Tuesday, July 18, 2023

July 24th meeting - ICAST report, Redfish Regs

KFF general meeting
Monday, July 24, 2023

Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria
Also livestreamed on Zoom and YouTube
* fly casting prior to meeting starting at 5:30pm

Our own Glen 'Catch' Cormier has had a busy month this July. First he represented the FFI Gulf Coast Council at the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission meeting, where changes in speckled trout and redfish management were discussed.  The next week he attended ICAST - the world's largest fishing trade show - and in addition to taking part in a series of conservation seminars, he once again sought out the most interesting new fishing products.

Catch will fill us in on:

  • State of the Sport - Latest stats on fishing & fly fishing
  • Most interesting products from ICAST
  • Background and latest on redfish & speck management

As always, the public is welcome. For Zoom connection, email Mike or Bill for meeting number and password. For the KFF YouTube Channel, use this link and go to Live videos - http://bit.ly/3oBk106