Tuesday, January 31, 2023

February 13th fly tying - the Mad Dog

KFF monthly fly tying session
Monday, February 13, 2023

Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria
Also livestreamed on Zoom and YouTube

We hope you can join us for a special fly tying treat for February. KFF member Rick Maddox created this month's pattern, the Mad Dog. It's proven to be one of our most effective trout patterns, as witnessed by Rich Hudson who caught 50 rainbows recently on the Little Missouri River - on the same fly!  See the before and after photos below.

Rick will lead us in tying the Mad Dog. According to Rick, he was fishing the Little Mo and only catching a few fish, while an angler next to him was tearing them up on a Trout Magnet. Rick was just learning to tie flies, so he went home and tried to tie that fly, but didn't come out the same. Regardless, the next week on the Little Mo it caught lots of fish. Robert Hughes named it the “Maddog” after Rick's nickname.

We will tie the fly in black and chartreuse, so either black or chartreuse thread will work.  6/0 or 140 denier will probably be best, but 8/0 or 70 denier will work as well.


  • size 14 60-degree jig hook
  • 7/64” gold tungsten slotted bead
  • thread - 140 denier black or chartreuse
  • black wooly bugger marabou
  • krystal flash – mixed colors
  • chartreuse strung saddle hackle

We will continue to broadcast the sessions via Zoom and YouTube Live for those who cannot attend, and we will record the session for future reference. If you would like to join the Zoom but do not have the Zoom numbers, please email Bill Morrison.  The YouTube livestream and recording will be posted to the Kisatchie Fly Fishers YouTube channel.