Monday, February 28, 2022
6:30 pm
Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria
Also livestreamed on Zoom
This month's agenda will begin with a short session on club business items. Afterwards, Robert Hughes and Chris Perkins will conduct a hands-on fly fishing knots tying clinic. This session will be very informative and useful for both new and veteran flyfishers.
Upcoming events:
- Mar 11-12 - Gulf Coast Council Sweetwater Classic, McComb, MS
- Mar 13 - Daylight Savings Time begins
- Mar 14 - KFF Fly Tying, A&W Emerger
- Mar 28 - KFF annual Spring Picnic at Cotile Lake Rec Area
- Mar 31 - Apr 3 - March Brown trip to the Little Mo, Arkansas
- Apr 11 - Fly Tying (TBA)
- Apr 23 - Fly Fishing 101, Booker-Fowler Hatchery
For Zoom connection, email Mike or Bill for meeting number and password. For the KFF YouTube Channel, use this link and go to Live videos -