Monday, January 10, 2022
Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria
Also livestreamed on Zoom and YouTube
From Bill Morrison: we will tie the #14 Parachute Adams in a March Brown color as shown in the photo. This color should be especially good for those early morning or just-before-dark risers on the Little Missouri during our club March Brown trip (March 31-April 3). It is identical to the “regular” grey Parachute Adams, so the skills learned in tying this version will directly apply to the regular Parachute Adams.
The Parachute Adams is sort of the “gumbo” of fly tying. It seems that everyone has their own recipe and methods - though tiers may not be as passionate about their recipes as gumbo cooks! To many, the most challenging piece of the fly is tying the parachute post and there seems to be an almost infinite number of methods posted on the Internet. I struggled with this for a long time as well until I discovered an easy method to hold the post and wrap the thread.
As always, beginners and guests are welcome! All materials will be provided, and we will have several sets of tools for any who do not have their own. For more information, email me at
On-site attendees should bring a mask as the library requires masks when indoors. For Zoom participants, enter the meeting number and password sent by email.