Wednesday, August 4, 2021

August 9th fly tying - Foam Bugs

KFF monthly fly tying session
Monday, August 9, 2021
Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria
Also livestreamed on Zoom and YouTube

* Remote members can participate via the Zoom app on any PC, tablet, or smartphone.  Enter the meeting ID and password to join in.  Email Bill Morrison to request.

For this meeting, Flip Siragusa is travelling up from Lafayette to lead us in two foam patterns, the Triangle Bug (#10) and a #6 foam popper.  A few of us have fished the Triangle Bug and it has worked very well.   As always, materials will be provided and we will have vises and tools available for those who don’t have their own. 

For Zoom participants, materials will only be mailed to those members who reside beyond 100 miles. foam popper.  A few of us have fished the Triangle Bug and it has worked very well.   As always, materials will be provided and we will have vises and tools available for those who don’t have their own.  For Zoom participants, materials will only be mailed to those members who reside beyond 100 miles.