Saturday, May 14, 2016

May 16th fly tying

Our next fly tying session will be Monday, May 16, at the Rapides Westside Libary in Alexandria. Time is 6:30pm.

This month we will be tying the Chernobyl Ant.  Rainey Riding was inspired to name his new ant creation after the Chernobyl (Russia) nuclear power plant accident since it looked like some mutation of an ant.  In fact, it's more of a stimulator pattern.  But the foam body makes it float high in the water column, and visible to the angler and fish. It's great for trout in fastwater streams, but works for bream too.

As always, beginners are welcome. Bring your tools if you have some, otherwise the club has a few toolsets for those without tools.  Materials are provided.  See you Monday!