KFF monthly fly tying session
Monday, January 13, 2025
Rapides Westside Library, 5416 Provine, Alexandria
Also livestreamed on Zoom and YouTube
For our first session of 2025, we have a fun, easy-to-tie fly - the Jigged Rainbow Warrior. This pattern is a jig version of Lance Egan's popular and effective Rainbow Warrior. This pattern utilizes two thread colors - black for the rear portion of the body and red for the hot spot. Both threads are 70 denier, and if you don’t have red thread, any bright color such as orange or pink will work.
The session is open to the public. All materials are provided, and we have several sets of tools for beginners to use during the session. For beginners, we can also pair you with someone who can help.
Remote members can participate using the Zoom meeting number and password sent by email. All others can watch on the KFF YouTube Channel, use this link and go to Live videos -